
148 tools/resources

To filter out results by platform, use p:platform_name

Tempora by kongehund

A tool to simplify timing of a song for beatmap

osu!Settings by FlimixST

A platform that lets osu! players explore, compare, and share their settings.

Relaxation Vault by StanR

osu!lazer relax leaderboard

Tablet Test Pattern by hawku

Site with comparisions of tablet's USB packets input VS Windows raw input positions

Catch Map Visualizer by solstice23

Preview catch the beat beatmap in the browser!

osucardbot by Kr3st1k

Telegram bot for generating profilecards and scorecards. Works in Inline Mode

Inline Mode
Generate Profile Card
Generates Score Card

osu!snipe by Mr HeliX

A few different leaderboards, mainly focused on country #1 sniping

Various Leaderboards

PP Recalculations by Mr HeliX

List of all proposed reworks.

Top pp scores
Players ranking
Score calculator
Submit players

osu!re:search by Mr HeliX

Alternative Frontend osu! beatmap search with filters

Text Filters
Time Range Filter
Selection Filters
Parameter Filters
Sortable Results

osu!scorepost by sm4ko

A Scorepost Generator

Generates Scorepost Title
Generates Score Screenshot
Generate Scoreposts from Score Link, Profile Link or Username
Auto Mode
Enter custom text to add to the post