152 tools/resources
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osu!guessr by yorunoken
osu!guessr is a web-based game made for the osu! community. Select a gamemode, and try to guess the beatmap based on the information you're given. Good luck!

Osu! Area Calculator by Keep Grinding
This tool calculates your Osu! area by converting your monitor's current resolution into your tablet's active field in millimeters. Tracking and visualizes cursor movements on a graphics tablet, measuring the area you aim at, providing dimensions and positions. This was inspired in the oldschool "draw in a paper while see a replay" method, but modernized.
osu!Settings by FlimixST
A platform that lets osu! players explore, compare, and share their settings.

Tablet Test Pattern by hawku
Site with comparisions of tablet's USB packets input VS Windows raw input positions